

ISBN: 978-1-962551-56-4

1 Introduction

  • How geopolitics discovered technology

  • The Tech Cold War

2 The Link between Geopolitics, Technology, and Corporations

  • Rubber and bird droppings or: Why does geopolitics change at all?

  • Geotech statecraft: Controlling the disemmination of tech

  • Corporations and tech from a geopolitical perspective

3 Prelude to the Tech Cold War

  • Misinterpretations: Digital utopianism and the unipolar moment

  • Disappointments: China’s WTO membership

  • Disillusionments: The Snowden affair and the Great Chinese Firewall

  • Awakening: Made in China 2025

4 The Shock

  • The Tariff Men arrive

  • Poking the Panda: Huawei and the geotech escalation

  • Inbound direct investment controls

  • Export controls: New foundations

  • Spies everywhere! The tricky talent question

  • China’s strategic window of opportunity closes - Roads not taken

5 The New Normal

US: From slowing down China to hitting the brakes

  • A new paradigm: Tech containment

  • Export controls: Applying the chokepoint theory

  • Import controls, round 2

  • Investment controls: Closing a gap?

  • Transfer of data as a national security risk?

  • A shadow over the Cloud

  • The flipside of sanctions: A carrot with guardrails

China turns inward: Living with the Tech Cold War

  • Dual circulation, Zero-Covid and the building of China’s “war economy”

  • Eating its own: Jack Ma and how the CCP turned on Chinese tech

  • Securitizing data, part 2: DSL and PIPL

  • The gloves come off: Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law

  • Semiconductors: Keen to prove the “choke point” theory wrong

  • What happens when Beijing no longer needs you?

6 Between Bandwagoning and Balancing

  • Europe: Technological sovereignty from whom?

  • Japan: the closest US geotech ally?

  • The Transactional 25: The advantages and pains of hedging

7 How Geopolitics Splits the IT stack

  • Tech containment and its impact on the IT stack

  • Splitting silicon: RISC-V and the geopolitics of open source

  • Telco infrastructures: 6G will be geopolitical from the start

  • Your Cloud is not global anymore

  • Trouble at the edge

  • The coming split of AI

  • World apart: Platforms and apps

  • Living with a split IT stack

8 Corporate Responses: Rise of the Geopolitical Enterprise

  • From global integration to geopolitical splitting

  • Bifurcation: R&D and product development

  • Localization: Data Relationship Management

  • Separation: Supply chains

  • Isolation: Business operations and capital

  • Mobilization: Geopolitical risk management and foresight capabilities

9 Future of the Tech Cold War: Challenges and Contradictions

  • US geotech statecraft: Trading short-term advantages for long-term influence

  • Chinese geotech statecraft: The limits of control at home and abroad