Wirtschaftswoche: Tech Cold War and Innovation
Ansgar Baums Ansgar Baums

Wirtschaftswoche: Tech Cold War and Innovation

Thomas Ramge and Ansgar published an article in Wirtschaftswoche, a weekly economic magazine in Germany. The article asks the question if a new Cold War could trigger a similar wave of “deep tech” innovation as the first Cold War did.

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Calculating the Costs of Decoupling
Ansgar Baums Ansgar Baums

Calculating the Costs of Decoupling

German Economic think tank IfW Kiel has published a study on the potential economic costs of a decoupling from China. Ansgar responds to this study with some caveats from the real world.

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The End of the Gov-Tech Symbiosis
Ansgar Baums Ansgar Baums

The End of the Gov-Tech Symbiosis

For 30 years, tech companies could rely on the support of the US government – not anymore. Translation of an article originally published at Atlantikbrücke’s website.

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Panel on Export Controls
Ansgar Baums Ansgar Baums

Panel on Export Controls

Ansgar joined Carnegie India’s Global Tech Summit to discuss the role of export controls in a geopolitically contested world.

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The Choke-Point Fallacy
Ansgar Baums Ansgar Baums

The Choke-Point Fallacy

U.S. export controls on certain technologies might do more harm than good, giving China what it has lacked so far: an incentive to develop indigenous capabilities.

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Open Source and Geopolitics
Ansgar Baums Ansgar Baums

Open Source and Geopolitics

Gregor Schumacher (Cloud Ahead Blog) interviews Ansgar on how geopolitics influences open source software (in German)

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Do we need an Economic NATO?
Ansgar Baums Ansgar Baums

Do we need an Economic NATO?

Export controls on semiconductors and semiconductor machinery are key to geotech statecraft. Within the transatlantic relationship, they are largely uncoordinated. In his article for Atlantikbrücke, Ansgar lays out the arguments for a “CoCom 2.0” mechanism. (Article in German)

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